Difference Between Medical Marijuana and CBD Oil for Dogs

Nowadays, the healthcare sector is emerging rapidly in terms of pets. Many dog owners are very possessive and have a serious concern about the products that are related to dogs. Also, many of them have already heard about cannabis and marijuana products but are more curious to know about the deep insights of each of them. Medical marijuana and CBD oil, both are those topics that get a lot of attention these days. And these two cannabis terms that are commonly confused are CBD and medical marijuana. As CBD became more popular within the last decade (or even just the last few years), many people wondered if it was just another type of medical marijuana. However, these two items are quite different. They are made differently, used differently, and cause different effects.Both have the very least amount of side effects and are quite pet-friendly. But when it comes to choosing the right product one should think twice and should know about the best products for their dogs. 

Here is the basic guide, insights, and major differences between the two which make them unique and different from each other:

Medical Marijuana 

Cannabis is a plant which is also known as marijuana that makes a thick substance full of compounds called cannabinoids. Cannabis has psychoactive properties but is a recreational and medicinal drug. Recent health articles of https://www.heraldnet.com/national-marketplace/best-cbd-oil-for-dogs and statistics suggest that medical use of marijuana may help to threaten the following conditions and also helps to alleviate such symptoms: Sleep issues, Chronic pain and diseases, Anxiety, and more particularly, social anxiety, loss of appetite, Arthritis, Inflammation, and modulating the immune system. But the most common use of medical marijuana is for pain control. To be particular, it also eases the pain of multiple sclerosis. Medical Marijuana has serious interactions with at least 21 different drugs.

The endocannabinoid system of dogs also helps to regulate gastrointestinal functions, thus medical marijuana also helps in solving digestive problems. Medical marijuana, like recreational marijuana, contains a very high ratio of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is responsible for highness in dogs, impaired memory, and disrupting the sense of time but THC also has some medicinal effects like reducing nausea, chronic pain, and inflammation.  

CBD oil

CBD oil or Cannabidiol is a different kind of cannabinoid obtained from the cannabis plant. It mainly interacts with the brain’s serotonin system. Cbd oil is widely accepted and used by many dog owners because it provides a calming effect and relief from depression and anxiety issues. Cbd oil contains no to very little THC (0.3%) and does not have any psychoactive effects. According to the National Cancer Institute, many researchers believe that CBD is also able to reduce pain, inflammation, anxiety, and even cancer. And more specific potential benefits are: stress, depression, improving fur and skin coat, and seizures. The best CBD oil for dogs is ‘full-spectrum CBD oil’ which is easily available in the market or at online stores and websites. 

It is completely safe for all types of pets and dogs as it is FDA approved. Dog owners can easily give CBD to their dogs orally or it also comes in the form of treats, capsules, and waxes. Cbd oil has very rare side effects but some common or minimal side effects are dry mouth, fatigue and dizziness, and sometimes mood swings too. 

Medical marijuana can also be effective in palliative care and weight loss while CBD oil helps in relieving pain, stress, and anxiety issues. Both are quite different in their own form and are legal in most countries. Moreover, both are totally non-addictive. But before considering anyone should consult a pet trainer or doctor to ignore any kind of risks.